Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ferguson, MO

This whole week I've seen debates on social media about the events in Ferguson and I so badly wanted to post my opinions, but I'm not one for Facebook drama- and its not worth the headache. With that said, isn't the whole point of the trial to prevent crime and enforce law? Regardless of assuming race is a factor, the bottom line is if you commit a crime, you're supposed to enforce the law and take action. With that being said though, 6 shots fired after shooting him in the head is excessive in my opinion. I do think that maybe that should've been taken into more consideration with the prosecution. The reason why there is so much controversy over this whole thing is because there isn't enough information to base an argument off of something. I think the media has a huge impact on whats being said and not said, and media propaganda is a huge issue. Who's to say the kid wasn't trying to grab his weapon, and who's to say the police officer is lying? Unfortunately the tragic death of the kid results in him being unable to speak for himself, so all you have to base an argument of off is what the police officer said. Because, going off of  the trial witnesses - they had zero clue on what was happening, and everyone saw something completely different.  One thing that really aggravates me is when I'm reading an updated news article (my fox Boston was the one I heard this from), and they said "the white police officer and the black teenager". Why does it have to be categorized that way? If they're telling people race isn't the issue, why is the news categorizing them both into their skin colors. It makes zero sense, and its super annoying to read.


  1. I agree that a lot of the issues surrounding Ferguson have been created by the media. In the articles that I read, the so-called witnesses all something different in every aspect of the shooting so none of what was said can be reliable because it could all potentially be mistaken.

  2. No one will truly know what happened because the only people there were the cop and Michael Brown. We can believe what we want from the news and other sources, but no one knows if its 100% true. It is sad that a life was lost, but he put himself in that position in the first place by robbing a store. If he did not steal something, this would have never happened. I do not believe it is about race, but once again everything is always made out to be that way. I like how you mentioned the part about how the news says "white cop kills black man" because that is not necessary.

  3. I agree with the fact that nobody knows that happened. I think that people are jumping to too many conclusions about what happened that night. I also hate that people are making this a race issue. Race has nothing to do with what happened that night. Yes racism still exists today, but who's to say that the police officer is racist? There is no proof that says that he shot him because he was black. It is because he felt threatened. I agree that there should not be any categorization on the race of each of the people involved.
